速報APP / 社交 / LFGER - Gamer Network, Find Gamers Fast

LFGER - Gamer Network, Find Gamers Fast



檔案大小:20.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


LFGER - Gamer Network, Find Gamers Fast + Play Together(圖1)-速報App

Find gamers fast for any game on any system. Simply choose what game and platform you want to play - and tap LFG, or see what people are playing and join them.

WHY LFGER? - Made For Gamers by Gamers.

LFGER - Gamer Network, Find Gamers Fast + Play Together(圖2)-速報App

ANY GAME, ANY SYSTEM - To doesn't matter if you're looking to find a group for Destiny, Counter Strike Global Offensive, Team Fortress, GTA V or Ark. LFGer was designed from the ground up make finding players for any game easy, you can filter everything based on systems and game for easy access to the things you're looking for.

MOBILE FIRST - Immediate results matter when you want to play, which is why LFGER is mobile first. All player requests happen in app, and messaging on each of the three major platforms, PC/Steam, PSN, XBOX One, all from within the app via browser. Don't worry though, we'll never ask for any of your login info.

NEW FEATURES THAT YOU WANT - Let us know how you would want to see LFGER evolve, best way to get a hold of us, Twitter. We can be found @lfg3r.

TOGETHER = BETTER - Gaming together is a lot more fun, but in game mechanics to match gamers aren't always there, we're trying to fix that.
